You and your loved ones want to make well-informed choices about care near the end of life. Hospice of Jefferson County, Inc. can help. Hospice of Jefferson County, Inc. was founded in 1985 by a group of concerned professionals and community members who saw a need in the region for an organization that could support patients and their families facing their end of life journey. Hospice can be an important part of living the way you want to and experiencing the best quality of life possible.
Hospice offers our patients comfort and the best care available in the familiar surroundings of their home or our Hospice Residence. The Hospice philosophy affirms life and regards dying as a normal process, which should be neither hastened nor prolonged. When a cure is no longer possible, Hospice provides specialized care and treatment for people of all ages with a terminal illness.
Every phase of life has its own challenges and rewards. Hospice Care exists to provide support on every level from the moment your illness becomes life limiting. Although no one can determine when death will come, hospice gives you control over how and where you are cared for allowing every moment to be treasured. Hospice of Jefferson County can help you and your family Make Every Day Matter.
About Hospice of Jefferson County
Hospice neither hastens or prolongs life. We help our patients live each day to its fullest potential. Every Moment is to Be Treasured! Every phase of life has its own challenges and rewards. Hospice Care exists to provide support on every level from the moment your illness becomes life limiting.
Hospice is dedicated to providing comfort care and pain control, so that patients and families can experience the full meaning of this phase of life. Hospice provides a team of medical, spiritual, compassionate care in your home or in the Hospice Residence.
Learn More
The best time to learn about Hospice is before you need it. The patient and family can benefit much more from Hospice services if referred earlier.At any time during a life-threatening illness, it is appropriate to discuss all of a patient’s healthcare options, including Hospice.
Home Care and Hospice Residence
Hospice of Jefferson County provides a team of professionals to help families during the final months of a loved one's life. The Hospice team works with the patient, the family, and the patient's physician to put together a unique plan of care. The plan belongs to the patient and family, as do any changes along the way.
Hospice of Jefferson County is an organization with a rich tradition of outstanding, compassionate care in our community. Due to the generous support of donors and philanthropists, we have been able to continue this care for patients and their families and to fulfill our mission: To provide expert, compassionate, comprehensive care and services to individuals and their loved ones experiencing life-limiting illness and loss.
Contact Us
Studies show that patients who are referred to Hospice Care as early as possible experience a far superior quality of life, with fewer hospitalizations and a decrease in symptoms. Referrals for Hospice Care can come from you, your loved ones, your physician, or your nursing home. Medicare-certified Hospices require physicians to certify that a patient's prognosis is expected to be six months or less.
Hospice care in nursing homes is covered by Medicare, Medicaid, and most insurance plans. Financial assistance may also be available. Please call 315.788.7323 for more information.
Hospice of Jefferson County, Inc. was founded in 1985 by a group of concerned professionals and community members who saw a need in the region for an organization that could support patients who desired to spend their final days at home, and the family members who cared for them.
It is our mission to provide expert, compassionate, comprehensive care and services to individuals and their loved ones experiencing life-limiting illness and loss.
Hospice started as a volunteer organization, and has remained true to the volunteer spirit to this day. Its first office was located in a room at the former New York Air Brake and housed a staff of less than ten. After becoming certified and eligible to participate in the Medicare and Medicaid programs, the staff and caseload grew, necessitating a move to larger quarters at 714 Washington Street, Watertown. In 1994, the agency settled into its next office at 425 Washington Street.
Today Hospice consists of a staff of 41 nurses, social workers and counselors and a large group of volunteers. Over the years Hospice has cared for more than 5,000 patients and their families in Jefferson and St. Lawrence Counties. Although its address may have changed several times, one thing that has never changed is Hospice's unwavering commitment to help people live their final months of life in dignity and comfort.
Hospice is governed by two boards, one which oversees the operating agency and the other which manages the Foundation. The Boards and their committees meet regularly and play an active role in assuring that excellent hospice care is available for all patients.
The Boards embrace accountability and transparency, and ensure that the agency operates according to the highest ethical standards.
In 2011, hospice moved to a 5-acre campus on Gotham Street. An eight-room residence and office building opened, which included homecare staff headquarters. This facility allows Hospice to provide care to patients who lack round-the-clock caregivers, as well as respite for families who may need some help from time to time.
The Hospice Foundation of Jefferson County, Inc. is a nonprofit corporation created to provide financial support for Hospice of Jefferson County. The Foundation is governed by a Board of Directors.
Through its fundraising efforts, the Foundation is able to ensure that all patients, regardless of means, receive the same high level of care.
In addition to providing operating support to Hospice (insurance reimbursements do not cover the full cost of care), underwrites the bereavement program, and maintains the assets of the agency. It will be the purpose of Hospice of Jefferson County, Inc. to ensure that Hospice services remain strong and fiscally viable to serve as an integral component of our community's health care system.
The Hospice Foundation encourages community support for Hospice through events such as the annual Hospice Ball, Hospice Senior & Junior Regattas, Hospice Harvest Festival as well as the Ultimate Hospice Golf Package and the Memory Tree events; through planned giving; memorial gifts, and annual campaigns.
Hospice Foundation of Jefferson County is tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code. Our federal tax ID # is 16-1541636.
Hospice Team
CEO: Anna Patterson
Director of Patient Care: Kathleen Zeltmann, M.S.N., RN
Director of Volunteers: Nancy Morrow
Director Foundation Operations & Development: Kathy Arendt
Hospice Residence
Residence Manager: Theresa Hayman, RN
Social Work
Stephanie Boon, LMSW
Brittney Fields-McIntosh, LMSW
Bereavement Coordinator:
Janetta Brown, BSW
Admissions Coordinators:
Nicole Shultz, MSW,
Hospice Navigator
Andrea Paratore, RN,
Home Care Coordinator
Executive Administrative Assistant: Sarah McConnell
Foundation Assistant: Brendan Straub
Health Information Management: Tracy Maguire
Receptionist/Administrative Assistant: Suzette Parker
Medical Team:
Medical Director: Stephen Grybowski, MD
Hospice Physicians:
Stephen Grybowski, MD
Jill Laureano-Surber, MD
Joseph Wetterhahn, MD
Hospice Board
Jeff Wood, President
Sarah Baldwin, Vice President
Sidney A. Pond III, Treasurer
Peter Walton, Secretary
Wendy Hinman
Meghan Larkins
James Montgomery
Linda O'Connor
Jayne Perry
Jack Rush, MD
Judith Shean
Julie Soule, MS, CNS, RN
James Stillerman, MD
Hospice Foundation Board
John Astafan, President
Bryon Perry, Vice President
Dana Keefer, Treasurer
Jill Ahlgrim, Secretary
Brian Ashley
Patricia Gorman
Karen Jorden
Reverend Andrew Long
Penny McCrea
Nolan Pitkin
Stacy Spaziani
Every phase of life has its own challenges and rewards. Hospice Care exists to provide support on every level from the moment your illness becomes life limiting.
Hospice is dedicated to providing comfort care and pain control, so that patients and families can experience the full meaning of this phase of life. Hospice provides a team of medical, spiritual, compassionate care in your home or in the Hospice Residence.
If you have questions, please submit the form below and we will get back to you.
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